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Behind the scenes 幕後消息 2008年2月

發表於 2-2-2008 09:30:16 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
This month will start with a fanfare. February plays host to Audio Week - a collection of nips, tucks, changes and improvements that will jazz up your listening experience and make the music system easier to use. You can expect to hear songs all the way to the end, without them constantly changing as you move from area to area. Ardent adventurers who unlock 500 songs can expect an air guitar emote. Gnarly!

呢一段係係二月將會改進game 既聲音系統.. 而你可以由頭到尾聽曬一個song而唔會因為你去第二度而轉song

而你只要解開曬500 個song 你將會得到一個air guitar emote..5-2-08 9:30 pm(GMT +8) 已推出

There's no room for this kind of tomfoolery in the graphical improvement for this month. The Edgeville Dungeon residents have been pretty grumpy ever since overground Edgeville got a rework - Postie Pete even got an irate letter from Vannaka. So - and not because we are scared of Vannaka, honestly - February brings a new look to Edgeville Dungeon which will make it seem suitably dank and dangerous.

呢一段講edgeville dungeon 將會有一個畫面/圖像既改善 5-2-08 9:30 pm(GMT +8) 已推出

After failing once in the Regicide quest, the Tyras Camp Catapult Guard has managed to fail again, this time by allowing damp into General Hining's catapult. Needless to say some unwitting/bold adventurer will be needed to repair the catapult and bring some much-needed security to the camp. Your Construction skills will have to be sharp and your puzzle-solving even sharper in this Catapult Construction quest, where you will be able to make amends for the carnage you caused in Regicide - with the added bonus of a Castle Wars-based reward, of course!

呢一段係講係二月既新 quest 主要係關於係regicide quest 既果一個投石機守衛 你將需要一定既construction skill 同更重要既 puzzle solving skill 去維修投石機 ..你有機會改過自新 (因為你係regicide 果時殺左tyras king.) 同埋會有關於castle war 既獎勵 13-2-08 8:00 pm(GMT +8) 已推出

February means that Spring is approaching, so the rabbits of RuneScape are getting feisty. They've got a taste for ogleroot, a gnomish vegetable that is grown in only one known area, and they are doing everything in their floppy-eared power to get hold of it. This frenetic and strategic minigame will require you to dig up seeds and ogleroots before the evil bunnies get a whiff of them, using your powers of deduction and speed-shovelling. Not only will you be able to enjoy a fantastic new type of gaming, you will be able to access some great Farming rewards. Hard-to-find seeds and Farming XP rewards will be available for those swift with the spade and quick off the mark.

呢一段講既係有一個新既mini-game 要同一班兔仔鬥快 獎勵係一d難拎既seeds (herb seeds?) 仲有一d farming exp 19-2-08 9:30 pm(GMT +8) 已推出

To continue the fun Farming frolics in February, we will have a fab new Farming amulet for you to fiddle with. The amulet of Farming will be available from most Farming stores and offers some abilities of the amulet of nature. Owners of the amulet of nature will also find that it gets a fresh infusion of magic this month, offering teleports to diseased patches and allowing you to remotely pay farmers to protect your patch. Oh, and it'll talk!

呢一段係講將會有一個新既farming amulet ..可以係farming store 買到 ..功能同宜家既nature amulet 部份一樣 .. 19-2-08 9:30 pm(GMT +8) 已推出

而宜家既nature amulet將會增加以下既功能

1. 比你去tele 到diseased patches
2. 可以透過佢比Payment附近既farmer

Add a sprinkle of Player's Gallery, a clove of Development Diary and a tablespoon of Postbag from the Hedge and you have a February that is looking pretty tasty!

一如以住 一d 玩家投稿呀..信呀 同發展日誌 都會係呢個月會出

[ 本帖最後由 teagod2004 於 20-2-2008 08:22 編輯 ]

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發表於 2-2-2008 11:32:52 | 只看該作者
對於第一點所說的解開500 songs,我想問以往玩rs1的玩家會不會不能解開在Tutorial Island
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發表於 2-2-2008 11:54:53 | 只看該作者
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 樓主| 發表於 2-2-2008 12:59:11 | 只看該作者
原帖由 March 於 2-2-2008 11:32 發表
對於第一點所說的解開500 songs,我想問以往玩rs1的玩家會不會不能解開在Tutorial Island

有可能解唔開 不過JaGex有計搞掂

原帖由 sliverlight24 於 2-2-2008 11:54 發表

無錯 佢始終係一間公司 佢點都要吸引人做member 其中既一個方法就每月會有 member update

[ 本帖最後由 teagod2004 於 2-2-2008 13:02 編輯 ]
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發表於 2-2-2008 13:36:09 | 只看該作者
nothing special update this month wor
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發表於 2-2-2008 13:39:43 | 只看該作者
呢一段係係二月將會改進game 既聲音系統.. 而你可以由頭到尾聽曬一個song而唔會因為你去第二度而轉song

而你解開曬500 個song 你將會得到一個air guitar emote..

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發表於 2-2-2008 15:08:49 | 只看該作者
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發表於 2-2-2008 18:27:53 | 只看該作者
Air guitar emotion for RS......有冇潮d呀
RS係一個classic game, 都係講d古代既野。而家黎個air guitar emotion, 係唔係有d唔適合呢?
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發表於 2-2-2008 18:31:53 | 只看該作者
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發表於 4-2-2008 13:03:19 | 只看該作者
原帖由 Lazy基" 於 2-2-2008 18:31 發表

   你以為真係有Magic架咩 ,, '

real life have magic
like "Magic Show" and "占卜"
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